Tree Good, Fire Bad

Buffy the Vampire Slayer said it (Okay, according to an anonymous reader Buffy actually said ‘Fire bad, Tree pretty’.  Thanks for keeping me honest mystery reader) and in a week like we’ve just experienced, that lizard-brain level is where we’re all operating.  With no wind, smoke from the “Station Fire” just sat over the Angeles National Forest.  And then, following the physics of “what goes up must come down” it rained ash.  Day after day after day.  In my office in Tarzana, ash was covering the parking lot and the smoke was overpowering the A/C’s ability to keep the smell out.  It was hot and dry and dusty and all-in-all a miserable week.

 So – why post THAT on this blog.  It’s not news to anyone in the area and the weather has changed, the fire is moving east and the ash is retreating.

I’m addressing this because of the huge affect this fire had, and is continuing to have, on my patients.  Several patients have come in for musculoskeletal appointments and have ended up getting treatments for respiratory complaints (and the musculoskeletal treatments too – that’s one of the powers of Traditional Oriental Medicine, I can do both at once!).  They’ve been physically and mentally tired, almost feeling they were coming down with something but with no specific symptoms.  This is due to their Qi not circulating well throughout their bodies.

In Traditional Oriental Medicine (T.O.M.) the Lungs govern Qi and respiration.  They’re responsible for inhaling Qi from the atmosphere, combining it with the Qi received from food and spreading the resultant useable Qi throughout the entire body.  The Lungs are called the tender organ because they are the most external organs and they connect the body to the outside world.  The Lungs are easily attacked by external pathogenic factors, in this case smoky, ashy, hot air.  When the air we’re taking in is poor quality, we tire easily.  Of course, when we’re breathing good air and eating garbage we get tired easily, but that’s another discussion.

Anyone with allergies/asthma or COPD should have a plan in place for fire season as should people with cardiac disease.  The easiest to follow recommendation is to stay inside with windows and doors closed, and run the A/C to filter out the gunk.  But even people with no cardio-pulmonary disease need to take care not to exhaust themselves.  The impact of the smoke is insidious and it would be easy to ignore the body’s signals to SLOW DOWN but it is very important to take it easy.

T.O.M. states that anytime the seasons change we need to take care to slow down and reflect on what our bodies are going through.  Add in a natural disaster and everyone can really benefit from some meditativetime.  I suggest doing something positive for yourself, especially something you’ve been putting off.  Go get a massage, visit a healthcare practitioner, read that book you’ve been putting off, go out to a special meal with friends or loved ones.  Whatever it is, take this time to slow down.  It will allow your body to adjust to the season change as well as recovering from the fire.

T.O.M. also has a long list of foods that are beneficial for the Lung system.  Some simple foods you may want to consider adding into your diet right now include apples, especially the sour ones like pippins; yogurt; tofu, tempeh and soybeans; rose hip tea; black tea; honey and barley malt.  For a more complete recommendation, make an appointment to see me or your local practitioner of Traditional Oriental Medicine.

For specific smoke related information, visit this page on the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service’s website:  Wildland Fire Smoke.  And for those of you in fire-prone areas, here’s a goldmine of information:  InciWeb Incident Information System

Boo for the University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter

Up until the June 2009 issue, I’ve had very few complaints with the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter.   They’re a pretty conservative publication but they’ve had interesting articles and have seemed to be pretty balanced, until this issue.

In the Wellness made easy section on the last page, they published this:

Avoid “herbal” or “natural” weight-loss supplements.  The FDA recently warned that dozens of products contain hidden and potentially hazardous drugs such as diuretics or laxatives, or else risky prescription anti-obesity medication, often combined with a witch’s brew of other ingredients.  The supplements are usually sold on the Internet, but some, such as StarCaps (now recalled) are also sold in health-food stores and drugstores.  Most are made in China.  There are no safe and effective dietary supplements for long-term weight loss.

Wow.  So many things pop off the page in this blurb, the most upsetting being the combination of “witch’s brew” and “made in China”.  I checked this out by having some folks I know read the article to see what their reaction was.  They all looked at me and asked a version of the same question “Are the herbal formulae you prescribe safe?”.

The answer is an emphatic “Yes!” followed by a longer explanation of how, as a licensed acupuncturist in California I have been trained in prescribing these substances and how I buy my teapills (pre-packaged herbal formulae) from manufacturers who meet and exceed GMP standards.

As a practitioner of Traditional Oriental Medicine, I have an uphill battle in America.  My patients know the medicine works; herbs, acupuncture, dietary advice, lifestyle advice, exercise; they all work together to help my patients become healthier.   But when publications like the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter start throwing these scary phrases around, it has a strong impact on people who could benefit from T.O.M. but are hesitant.

This is what I sent to the Editors of the Wellness Letter:

Dear Editors,

I am a California licensed acupuncturist and I wanted to register my disappointment with the “Avoid ‘herbal’ or ‘natural’ weight loss supplements” article in the Wellness made easy section of the June 2009 issue.

I don’t object to the information, but I am offended by the phrasing “. . . combined with a witch’s brew.  .  . “.

Part of my training is to concoct prescriptions by combining substances in the Materia Medica of my profession, something I was extensively trained in and have earned the rights and privilege to do by passing the most comprehensive and difficult licensing examination in the country.

Just because your authours don’t understand the theories behind the substances in the offending products, doesn’t mean they’re ineffectual or dangerous.


Over the course of the next few weeks (and I suppose months and years) I will be adding random thoughts, information and articles that relate to acupuncture, healthcare and life in general.  I don’t promise to be a prolific “blogger” but I do promise to share some of the things I have found interesting, alarming or amusing as I’ve journeyed along.